General information about company

Name of The CompanyJ. L. MORISON (INDIA) LIMITED
BSE Scrip Code506522
NSE Symbol
MSE Symbol
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2021
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2022
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2021
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2021
Level of rounding used in financial resultsLakhs
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

Related party transactions

A. Details of related party

Name of the related partyHindustan Composites LimitedPallawi Resources Private Limited (Formerly Pallawi Resources Limited)Mrs. Shashi ModyRasoi Express Private LimitedSun Light Marketing Services LLPLeaders Healthcare LimitedRasoi LimitedNoble Business Solutions LimitedMr Sohan SardaMr Ravindra GajelliMs Sonal NaikMr Ravi VaishnavMr Raghu Nandan ModyMr Sanjay KothariMr Dinesh SharmaMr Lalit Kumar BarariaMrs Annapurna Dubey
Categories of related partiesPromotersPromotersPromoters GroupPromoters GroupPromotersPromotersPromotersPromotersKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentPromotersKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parent
description of relationshipPromoters holding 10% or more shareholding in the CompanyPromoterDaughter-in-law of Mr. Raghu Nandan Mody, Non Executive DirectorPromoters GroupPromoterPromoterPromoters holding 10% or more shareholding in the CompanyPromoterExecutive Director & CEOChief Financial OfficerCompany Secretary & Compliance OfficerCompany Secretary & Compliance OfficerPromoter, Non-Executive and Non-Independent DirectorNon-Executive Independent DirectorNon-Executive Independent DirectorNon-Executive Independent DirectorNon-Executive Independent Director
CIN of related partyL29120MH1964PLC012955U34103WB1981PLC034077U63040WB1995PTC075844U65993WB1986PLC041120U25190WB1905PLC001594U74110WB1975PLC030104

B. Details of related party transactions

Purchase of goods and services723.2604.73
Sale of goods and services
Purchase of fixed assets
Sale of fixed assets
Rendering of services
Receiving of services28.324.939.9
Leases 7.260.39
Loans and advances given
Loans and advances taken
Loans and advances given that are repaid130225
Loans and advances taken that are repaid
Deposits placed
Deposits taken
Transfer of research & development
Transfers under lease agreement
Equity investment
Impairment in equity investment
Expense for bad or doubtful debts
Guarantees or collateral given
Guarantees or collateral taken
Interest income0.862.61
Interest paid
Dividend income22.15
Dividend paid
Management contracts including for deputation of employees
Settlement of liabilities by entity on behalf of related party


Short term employee benefits30.2311.572.580.43
Post employment benefits2.060.770.120.02
Other long-term benefits
Termination benefits0.36
Share based payments

C. Outstanding balances


Un Secured19.94


Un Secured12.960.41.9125.5537.183.071.331.040.4

Loans and advances given

Un Secured

Loans and advances taken

Un Secured

Deposits placed

Un Secured

Deposits taken

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral given

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral taken

Un Secured

Investment in equity

Un Secured1260.811038.86

Provision for doubtful debt

Un Secured


1) Details of related party transactions under Lease represents amount of Rs. 7.26 Lakhs received as Rent;
2) Outstanding Receivables - unsecured of Rs. 19.94 Lakhs is Dividend after deducting TDS;
3) Outstanding balances - Investment in equity unsecured of Rs.1260.81 Lakhs is investment value at cost;
4) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
5) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
6) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Details of related party transactions under Lease represents amount of Rs. 0.39 Lakh paid as Rent (inclusive of GST);
2) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
3) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
4) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Amount of Rs. 28.32 Lakhs paid is in respect of services availed by the Company and is inclusive of GST;
2) Outstanding Payables - unsecured of Rs. 12.96 Lakhs represents amount payable in respect of services availed by the Company;
3) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
4) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
5) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.

1) Amount of Rs. 4.93 Lakhs paid is in respect of services availed by the Company and is inclusive of GST;

2) Outstanding Payables - unsecured of Rs. 0.40 Lakh represents amount payable in respect of services availed by the Company;

3) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;

4) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
5) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Outstanding Payables - unsecured of Rs. 1.91 Lakhs represents payable in respect of services availed by the Company;
2) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
3) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
4) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Amount of Rs. 723.20 Lakhs is paid in respect of goods purchased by the Company and is inclusive of GST;
2) Outstanding Payables - unsecured of Rs. 25.55 Lakhs represents amount payable in respect of goods purchased by the Company;
3) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
4) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
5) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.

1) Amount of Rs. 604.73 Lakhs paid is in respect of goods purchased by the Company and is inclusive of GST;

2) Outstanding Payables - unsecured of Rs. 37.18 Lakhs represents payable in respect of goods purchased by the Company;

3) Outstanding balances - Investment in equity unsecured of Rs.1038.86 Lakhs is investment value at cost;

4) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
5) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
6) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business.
2) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year.
3) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
2) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
3) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
2) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
3) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Resigned from the position of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company w.e.f. close of business hours of 16.09.2021;
2) Amount of Rs. 3.06 Lakhs represents the remuneration (including Leave encashment) upto 16.09.2021;
3) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
4) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
5) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Appointed as Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company w.e.f. 17.09.2021;
2) Amount of Rs. 0.45 Lakh represents the remuneration for the period from 17.09.2021 to 30.09.2021;
3) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
4) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
5) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.

1) Mr. Raghu Nandan Mody has waived the sitting fees for attending the Board and Committee Meetings;

2) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;

3) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
4) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.



1) Details of Related Party Transactions - Others of Rs. 0.50 Lakh represents sitting fees paid and is exclusive of GST;
2) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
3) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
4) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Details of Related Party Transactions - Others of Rs. 0.20 Lakh represents sitting fees and is exclusive of GST;
2) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
3) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
4) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Details of Related Party Transactions - Others of Rs. 0.20 Lakh represents sitting fees and is exclusive of GST;
2) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
3) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
4) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.
1) Details of Related Party Transactions - Others of Rs. 0.90 Lakh represents sitting fees and is exclusive of GST;
2) All related party transactions entered during the half year were in ordinary course of the business;
3) No amounts in respect of related parties have been written off / written back, nor has any provision been made for doubtful debts / receivables during the half year;
4) Related party relationships have been identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors.